Friday, June 10, 2016


Friday, June 10, 2016

I am writing to you because I am asking for your help.  Since April of this year, I have visited the offices of the North Carolina State Legislature on a weekly basis.  Additionally, I have emailed and faxed all the legislatures I could.  The purpose being is to change the problem.  The problem is the disabled and disabled veterans need help.  They need help in being employed.  They need help to bring down the unemployment and suicide rates.  I kindly ask that you visit the website below and consider collaborating and supporting a Bill through the US Congress to resolve the issues herein outlined. 

In the 70s, the 504 Rehabilitation Act was passed to make places accessible to the disabled.  In the 90s, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed to broaden the accessibility of disabled people.  However, it is 2016, and the unemployment rate among the disabled remains the same.  A disabled person is 2x more likely to be unemployed and living in poverty.  The unemployment rate among the disabled remains 2/3.  Suicide among veterans is 3x times higher than civilians. 

My name is Reinaldo Olavarria, and I have been unemployed since 2010.  I have placed several applications in for employment, but, the last time I was even called for an interview was about three months ago for a retail outlet position.  Prior to then, the last time I was called for an interview was 2011.  It is not due to an absence of submitting application, or identifying myself as disabled on government application.  All I know is the interviews I did get to go  on, it was clear by the expressions of interviewers, that a disabled candidate for employment is not a viable option. 

What I am asking then is for one thing, the passing of affirmative action legislation to get the disabled employment.  Targeted legislation for people with identified mobility impairments primarily.  Why?  The last job I had was working for Durham County Social Services.  I became unemployed because  I resigned my position there after a workplace accident.  What happened?  I was using my wheelchair while at the workplace, and, they had a wheelchair accessible visitor entrance, but the employee entrance had a step, and was not accessible for wheelchair users.  Well, one day, while going down the step, my chair flipped backwards, and I received a head injury, TBI, and, that caused me to be out of work, and eventually lead to my resignation. 

Please visit the following websites to see the facts, the legislation being requested, and personal stories regarding the impact of being a person with a disability:
·         Open letter to Yall;
·         Actual Written Copy of Proposed Legislation
·         Public Policy Paper;
·         My Resume. 
·         Combined Website Where You Can Find All Resources and Links

What I am asking for is one of two things.  First, can you help to change the laws, by supporting the  enactment of affirmative action legislation to ensure the disabled, mobility impairment, get hired.  It is 2016, and, we should not be receiving a government check, but should be employed and contributing to society. 

What I ask is to open the doors to employment, by enacting legislation that the government sector must set aside and make an effort to employ people with disabilities with a target on mobility impairments.  I know they are just not doing it by just going to any government building and/or service center and looking for that “one disabled” employee.  I have not seen “one” in a long time, and have visited many service sites.

If you find it in your heart to help by proposing and getting legislation enacted, of the affirmative action type, to ensure that least in the government sector, the recruitment and employment of the disabled is placed as a priority, and, to get “these people” off the government rolls and into jobs. 

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