Friday, November 30, 2018

An Open Letter to Hephzibah Baptist Church of Wendell NC

Open Letter to Aaron Wallace, and Hephzibah Baptist Church

March 22, 2012, was the last time I needed to have a heated argument, the liking of the “meeting” you set up and planned yesterday.  As a survivor of domestic violence, I did not anticipate being in a meeting with a pastor of a church, and the church assistant pastor, and having to endure such traumatizing behavior.  Really.  

I am the father of two children; and one child is a teen.I raised one child, a step child, and the behaviors exhibited were those I would find in an immature teen and not in any inclination or capacity of a “Seasoned Pastor”.  

This reminded me of an additional traumatizing event, and that was when I was a foster care worker, and did a licensing visit to a foster home, and the foster parent was a religious zealot, and, was of high stature, height and weight wise, and stronger than me, and threatened that I must leave his home, under the duress of physical injury should I not leave; and the end result was his foster license was revoked because of threatens implied of direct and immediate physical violence.  

If you called me to have a conversation with you, then note, conversations are a two way communication.  A two way communication was not your intent.  A one way threatening and expression was the manifestation of your actions.  Really; you called me to meet with you so that you can scream at me, to me, and be disdainful, without any intent of letting me talk.  BE QUIET YOU SAID REPEATEDLY.  Those are the actions of an abusive person.  Those are not the typical actions of a seasoned pastor.  

And, regrettably, you called two others to “witness” your actions.  Wow, that was even more hypocritical.  Under the misguided auspices of doing your “pastoral duties”.  There is no pastor that I know of that would engage and conduct themselves as you did.  

Then, you had a second immature teen in the room that said “let us call her” and see what she thinks of pastor Aaron.  Really, dang, the level of immaturity, after he reread the post and even in reading realizing there were positives in the post.  

You are a very scary person Aaron.  You have changed sir, since initially meeting you in about 2005.  Wow.  

“If you were a member of this church, I would discipline you”, you said, with an unfathomable and unimaginable amount of pain and suffering was implied, alluded too, expressed, and interpreted by me thereto. What do you do to “erring members”?  Take them in a back room with “ministers” and “let them have it”?  

What has happened to you?  Dang.  If I were your assistant minister I would not have allowed you to schedule and/or attend that supposed “meeting”.  You should have prayed, cooled off, and then address the matter later, properly.  Letting you go forward in the matter you did also shows a failure on your support staff.  

Hephzibah cannot take the credit for the individual actions of members to “do the Lord’s work”, when the church is failing to take on its responsibility.  

Dissect what you said; the church when it cannot handle a member or the needs thereof, they refer them to other churches and programs.  That does not even make sense.  The church cannot handle a person with substance abuse issues and “other problems”; so, it is belittled and regulated to an information and referral service.  

You lied and I followed up with Wendell Baptist about the “referrals and support” for divorce care.  I talked with the leaders there and they blatantly stated not so, Hephzibah does not support us.

God sends sheep to you, and you send them away, and, that is called fulfilling the Lord’s work.  I think not sir.  If you continue to act in that manner, then you are a liability to the church.  

I am glad there was a youth and ministry leader that had the love of God and knowledge there or during the meeting.  It is unfortunate that person left early.  

I almost lost my daughter during middle school, and, your judgment with no knowledge directly of what happened is and was “look, he is crazy” [para-phased here}.  Testify only to what you know and seen sir, you look like and act like an idiot by rendering commentary on things you were not a part of, and that is “slander and l…….:” etc, Mr Junior Lawyer whom cannot read a post and dissect the meaning thereof.  

This is an open letter to the church because the church should perhaps consider some leave time for you.  You may be overly stressed, taking on too much, and not really know and/or are capable of evaluating your own actions. Hooligan versus pastor. I hope and pray for the best in and with you, but am truly injured and hurt by you.  

In Love and Prayer Hoping and Praying for the Best.  God Bles

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Obituary for Pablo Olavarria Arce

Obituary for Pablo Olavarria Arce

Mr. Pablo Olavarria Arce, of San Sebastian, PR, born on June 29, 1941 in San Sebastian,
Puerto Rico, to Juan Olavarria, passed away at age 77 on August 22, 2018 in Brooklyn, New
York. Pablo is survived by his sons, Edwin Olavarria, Angel L. Olavarria, Pablo Olavarria,
Reinaldo Olavarria, and Adrian Olavarria; brothers, Daniel Olavarria and Francisco
Olavarria; and sisters, Lydia Olavarria and Angela Olavarria. The funeral service will be
private. R G Ortiz Funeral Home Inc is handling arrangements, 5202 4Th Ave, Brooklyn,
(718) 439-4949. Reinaldo Olavarria, son, will be filing as the Estate Administrator 614 Gaslight Trail, Wendell, NC 27591 919-400-8046.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

A General Open Letter Regarding Our Schools

Final Incident That Lead to Higher Level of Action

To my horror, this happened to me on Friday.  I was in the Cafeteria at Zebulon Middle School in Zebulon North Carolina in an Official Capacity as a WATCH DOG [], and, I witnessed some very horrible things.  A group of about five boys, joined by a group of about 3 girls, were acting out.  The boys were directly in front of me two tables away about.  The girls over to my left two tables away.  One youth was throwing things, and making inappropriate physical contact with over five students (hitting, touching, and inviting to fight) engaging in horse play.  One student in response was using cleaning products as a defense and spraying it on multiple students.  One student (APE/MONKEY MAN, BECAUSE HE HAD WHAT LOOKED LIKE AN APE OR A MONKEY ON A NECKLACE AROUND HIS NECK) made what looked to be two drug transactions in front of me (by placing baggies in his left hand and passing them off to the other males present). 

A teacher, Mr. O, did on multiple occasions approach the students and ask that they cease and desist.  I did talk with Mr. O and made inquiry as to if he knew all the names of the students involved; and, he said he knew all the students, and, I stated I was going to write up all the activities I witnessed.  The youth treated him very disrespectfully with disdain.  That included talking back and yelling proclamations that they were doing nothing, and they refused to follow his orders. 

One reporter stated, “this is a good day”.  One reporter stated “you should have been here early when they had to chase one student out of the cafeteria”.  Another reporter verified the “chasing incident” and stated the very same person selling drugs was the one that was chased and jumped a five foot fence, and once off grounds “they could not do anything”.

Incident date was April 27th, 2018, while on duty between 12:50 PM and 1:30 PM in Cafeteria

Within 20 minutes of the end of the lunchroom period, I reported the matter during a meeting with Principal CJ and Assistant Principal N L. The expectation was an immediate response to include law enforcement notification.  Within 10 minutes of the meeting with them, they had an official written reported that was submitted with the same content of what was verbally expressed with them. 

The reason for this being taken to a higher level is because they did not even take immediate action.  Mrs. C said, “it is Mr. O duty to write it up ……….. and we will wait for his report”.  Basically indicating a report from an eye witness in an official capacity DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING EVEN IF IT INCLUDES BEING A WITNESS TO CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.  This evidences a nonchalant attitude towards WCPSS policy on drugs and student discipline.  The school is routinely creating or allowing to be created a hostile work environment and dangerous environment for the children entrusted in its care. 

After the meeting and report submission, I waited in the hallway outside of the main office to see if the school would summon law enforcement (I did not see a SRO on duty that day).  No action was taken at all.  Because no action was taken, I drove to ZPD and filed a police report.  Noting a very bad fact that the same individual selling was seen during school time at 97 and N.Gil Street a few blocks from the school. 

Culmination of Identified Issues Over the Past Two and a Half Years at ZMS

During the shift on that day, again, I witnessed “too many students in the hallways” that did not have school passes visible during classroom time.  Security is an issue because the school is too porous.  The culmination of all my shift has lead me to identify and verify the following issues:

1.       The school needs to secure its doors.  Students/people are entering and leaving the school grounds through multiple locations because the school doors and facilities are not secure.  I cannot tell you how many times while making my rounds that I had to close doors to the outside because they were left “slightly open” for individual to include students to come and go as they please. 

2.       Hot spots for fighting were identified:  For example, the area outside of the media center is the frequent “fight spot”, and, during lunch hours, lack of supervision and allowing the kids to “run and horseplay in the hallways” leads to fights and injuries.  Seventh grade building was noted for the amount of kids in the hallways during class time, way after the time classes begin.

3.       It is scary, but, classes are so chaotic, at one time, during test proctoring, the youth had problems taking their test because of the noise in the hallways and from other classes.  Also, while making rounds, at times the noise level and activity level in certain classes was so “off the wall” a reasonable person could come to the conclusion “no instructional material was being presented” because, it was playtime.  For example, on one occasion, a student was outside of a classroom with a pass, I declined to ask the student to return to class, he just standing outside of the door to his class, because, the noise level and activity level heard just outside the door coming from within classroom led me to believe he was “safer in the hallway”.  Teachers routinely have their door glass covered up, and, all you hear is chaos coming from inside classrooms when making rounds.  I have witnessed, it was heartbreaking, one teacher being openly disrespected in the classroom.  Students were talking back to her.  They were out of their seats.  They were throwing things around.  She was helpless. 

4.       Repeatedly, I insisted some teacher need support, because, I witnessed and received reports of chaos in the classrooms, and, the administration has been unresponsive.  The last incident is the perfect example of the administration not supporting its teacher.  Mr. O was treated with the highest level of disrespect by students I have seen.  The students did not even “bat an eye” knowing adults were directly observing that delinquent behavior.  They just “kept on doing it” and, the administration, when presented with the issues, failed to take immediate response, and immediate response was required.  I mean really, a reporter comes to you and tells you “I think I just witness drug sales, in broad daylight, in an open and filled room, on campus, in the cafeteria” and, “a teacher was disrespected” and nothing done. HuM.  [Sociopathic behavior witnessed, a teaching moment.]

5.       False Reporting:  Under the auspices of Dr. Snith, these very same issues were raised.  Based on collateral contacts, interviews, and reports, things have gotten worse.  The reports from Dr. Smith were the cited conditions were not present on campus.  Direct observations and collateral reports prove otherwise.  I made multiple reports and visits to the school.  I have seen the conditions myself.  The existence of those conditions were denied by school administration.  They exist and have worsen.  Bottom line, you cannot get help for conditions if you report they “do not exist” (and student cannot learn and will fail the EOGS).  For example:
a.        The school needs heightened security measure; doors with electronic exit alarms.  You cannot get this if you report no one can come on campus or leave without us knowing.  That is not the cases.  Criminal trespassing is happening on the regular along with truancy.
b.      No support staff is ever going to come [and I recommended such for certain teachers to administration] if you say, “we do not have a problem”.  Some of the teachers are “struggling” and need help, and, I reported such to the administration, repeatedly. 
c.       Multiple facilities issues were addressed through my reports and taking issues outside of school administration.  For example, for over nine years they dealt with toxic odors and fumes in multiple buildings.  Not just student were getting sick and adversely affected, staff was too and many times they were reporting the issues for “over nine years”.  The school grounds and facilities need maintenance.  One recent example is within the past three weeks, thereabouts, I went to the school to bring my daughter allergy medication, while they, a report was received by front desk staff, from a teacher in a classroom, citing being “over run by ants”; and, custodial staff was alerted and responded by saying “I have no spray …….. I have to go out and buy some”.  This is either negligence and/or insufficiency in budget.  Either way it should not be happening because “it is the season for bugs” and you should have already sprayed and been prepared.  No excuse.
d.      HVAC’s that do not work; poor quality of air; poor water quality; leaking roofs, etc.  Adverse school and work environments here and that was reported. 
e.      The school is not partnering with Local PD to make sure its facilities are safe.  You cannot say “we cannot do anything” because he ran off school “property”; no sir, you partner with the local policy and you have the sheriff department, you “can do something”.
f.        I cannot tell you how many fights I stopped while on campus and very rarely saw the SRO patrolling or doing rounds.  Most time they are in the office doing some sort of computer work.  Partner and say something and do something.

I took on an assist role.  Meaning for the most part, I tried to work with the administration to resolve issues.  But, when I am “blown off” and told “my reports mean nothing” in essence, then, I will stop reporting and working with you, and just “submit” things on a higher level.  This is a notice now of Intent to Bring these matter to the court.

Instruction time is not happening properly due to poor school administration and responses.  One last example is for the past two and a half years, I have been dealing with a disruptive student that harasses and bullies my daughter.  And, the administration took no response to end the issue.  That shows a none adherence and application of WCPSS BED and Discipline Policy and Policy against bullying. 

What I am asking is for you all to pull the reports submitted.  Pull all the emails sent to the school and district offices, and, make an analysis and recommendation.  I believe AP N. L needs to be fired because he has been consistently making adverse comments and taking adverse actions towards me, and that would be shown through communications and reports “and failure to respond to reports”.  Also, you may want to consider a professional “training” opportunity on policy for Mrs. J.  I would suggest and request “immediate” attention to this matter and “immediate partnership” with local PD to secure the grounds.  Mr. L cannot be the SRO, and the last three visits to the school, I believe, I have not even seen the SRO.  That is not a substitute and it cannot be a “one man show”. 

This are at minimum two additional parts to this letter that will be sent separately due the nature and confidentiality issues.  Please expect to be in receipt of such shortly. 

Part 2, Thursday, May 31, 2018


It was about two years ago, under the auspices of Dr. S, at Zebulon GT Magnet Middle School (ZMS), in Zebulon, NC, wherein the issue at that school was initially raised.  What issue?  The lack of engagement and outreach to Hispanic Students, Community Leaders, and Parents.  What does that mean?  Openly being targeted during a PTA meeting by Dr. S wherein her racial prejudices culminated in a comment that “We do not need an Hispanic Parent Liaison.”; and, I was the only Hispanic Person in the running identified for the position.  That was after attempts at engaging her in dialogue about having weekly notices and emails translated into Spanish.  This was an open and deliberate attack, and I am not sure if President Trump would have done these things that he would have “gotten away with it” without a public display of reprimand and dismay.

It was heartbreaking to watch a student, that just arrived in this county, the second day in school, and seemingly never exposed to a computer, and, only able to speak in Spanish, to be forced to take a computer test, entirely in English, and that person did not even know how to use the computer.  And, I cite also previous conditions cited in all other communications with the school, district, board, and State of North Carolina.  0

With the appointment of a new principal to the position at ZMS, I immediately met with her, and articulated the same concern about notices, the lack of engagement of the Hispanic Community, and the disservice to the Hispanic Community.  The response was not an “in your face” denial of the need, but rather, “Thank you for you comment …… I will work on that”; and, but, the end result was nothing was done at the end of the year (12 months later). 

Aside from government agents and actors on the North Carolina State level, this prejudicial/racial attitude is also present on the local levels, in the schools.  And, the issue was raised repeatedly over the course of over 2 ½ years, and nothing was done, specifically at ZMS. 

The need echoed was for more Hispanic Workers in WCPSS.  However, the policy implementation is consistently and openly characterized by inaction; let prejudice and racism towards Hispanics prevail.  So, WCPSS says we “lack Hispanic AP’s and teachers”, but, when a Hispanic qualified individual applies for those types of positions, you quickly hire the Caucasian or Black person, for, for example, an ESL position, although they do not speak a lick of Spanish, and a more qualified Hispanic applied for the position.  Hiring a teacher is different from Hiring Support Staff to provide translational services and support for Hispanic Students, Parents, and Community Members. 

Hispanics and Minority Students tend to need SLD, LEP, and EBD services; but, on the State Level, Published Criteria for eligibility determinations in 2006, are not abided by or incorporated in State Level NC DPI policy; and that translates to on the local levels these students determined as ineligible, often at times due to RTI, and services for them being denied; and, more importantly, the prejudicial/racial attitudes are upheld on the local level by similarly minded individuals, and/or by misrepresentations from Central Offices.  The State says in 2020 they will begin using published eligibility criteria of IDEA (since 2006) that has been in use in other jurisdictions and states.  That is openly being racially and ethnically prejudice.  

What does that translate to?  At ZMS, EBD students that should not be in the classroom, are found in the classroom.  That results in teachers instead of spending 80 to 95 percent of their time in Instruction, to spending 20 percent of their time in instruction, with the rest of the time being trying to manage classrooms “out of control”.  That is a breach of contract for teachers.  That is SLD students not receiving support services.  That is resulting in continued low EOG scores.  That results in students and teachers being put at risk and subject to bullying, harassment, and other unlawful acts, etc.  Repeated reports during meetings, repeated WATCH DOG complaints, repeated Board and State Level Complaint resulted in inaction 75% of the time.  The youth are not animal, they are people, and they need higher levels of support, support the federal government pays for through block grants, but are only provided in affluent neighborhoods.  

It is hard to be a part of the School Improvement Team (SIT) for about one year, and, one or more teachers at the beginning highlighted the “out of control” classrooms as a main problem; to, at the end of the year, “all of the teachers” articulating out of control classrooms, inconsistent discipline and standards, and violations of state regulations, and “unresponsiveness” on the part of the school administration,etc.  The end result, three years of a school “out of control” where a child died.  And, the Board, the State, the District, and the administrators and teacher were all engaged in trying to correct the problem, by me, and not much was done. 

That is the blatant receiving of federal funds to provide services and “educating our children” and not doing that and not providing the SLD, EBD, and LEP services, etc.  ZMS is in such a state of disrepair.  Hum, obtaining property under false pretenses, Fraud?

Another similar example is Carver Elementary School (CES) in Wendell North Carolina, again, three years worth of the offer to help facilitate communication and engagement of Hispanic Parents and Students went unanswered.  The difference is this school is well endowed in terms of facility and school resources.  Again, for example, one student went over five years of the lack of SLD services due to the “Policies” published on the state level that are inherently designed to thwart the number of students being diagnosed and receiving necessary SLD, LEP, and EBD services, etc., under IDEA And the ADA.  The offer was made over three years ago to “help Hispanics” and that offer, until the end of this year was rejected.  Again, at the local levels, CES and ZMS can continue and perpetuate the same racial and prejudicial attitudes articulated on the State Levels.  No notices in Spanish, but a sign, if you need translation, call this number.  Active efforts are different from deliberate inaction.  You did not hire a Hispanic AP there either. 

These issues involve criminal negligence[1] like that alleged in 10 DHR 4241, and/or at minimum the tort of negligence, with the board, state director of public instruction, the state policy officer, school administers, and district leaders that would be names as defendants.  If your negligent acts, that continued unresponsiveness, caused or allowed to be caused, bullying, harassment, the deprivation of an ADA reasonable accommodation to a person with PTSD, assaults, and batteries, and adverse work environments, then you “need to be held accountable”, as one person said during one of the resulting meetings, that works for WCPSS.  Negligence that spans about three years at ZMS, and about 5 years at CES.  It is horrific when you place new teachers in environments where they are themselves harassed, assaulted, hit, etc.; and then are targeted by the administration if they decide to report anything.  And, as a reporter, when I have to recommend an “ANNYMOUS BOX” for reporting due to targeting and retribution by WCPSS administrators.  One child about three weeks ago, at ZMS ended up with a black eye, scratched up face, because of the “chaos” in the classroom environment and youth feeling “confident” they will get away with it.  As cited in the SIT meeting, it is unequal application of policy and discipline, and the youth, as well as the students know it.

That is aside from SRO inattentiveness.  Imagine how I felt when I read a parent letter and it described how a SRO heard the parent report a “death threat” and the response “alleged” was “if I investigate every death threat ……. I would never get my job done”.  Really, “they are just kids”;  I think not, they are kids killing kids and each threat needs to be investigated not dismissed because it was an Hispanic Parent.  A report they daughter was just about raped and is scared to go to the bathroom, a bathroom where other students were caught in sexual acts, as in having sure enough sex; and the administration is reported to have done nothing, and SRO dismissed it all.  And, when I made rounds at ZMS, I stopped more fight by just making rounds, moreso than then SRO. Something seriously is wrong. 

It is heart breaking to see teachers teach in dilapidated buildings, doors open in every building to allow trespassers openly. And, I did not know of the severity of the problems, although teachers told me for more than two years, until I saw and reported it for myself; and, yet and still district leaders felt confident enough to be as unresponsive and inattentive as school administrators.  They never revisited the facilities to my knowledge to follow up once Dr. Smith was gone at ZMS. 

From my professional opinion, I believe it was and is an adverse work environment, as even the teachers clearly articulated during the last SIT meeting, at ZMS.  From my professional opinion, it is open racism and prejudice, spanning more than five years due to outdated policies and procedures and concurrently lack of professional support for the teachers, students, parents, community members, and staff at ZMS and CES. 

This is a general plea to agency officials aside from the school system to do something.  Assaults and batteries, the denial of services, at this level for me seems criminal, not just tort actions.  In the words of that employee, “they have to be held accountable”. 

I sincerely hope that if principal C J “writes up teachers” for needing “professional development” that it be overruled given unresponsiveness on so many levels of those over teachers whom had the power and ability to change conditions at ZMS.  As for CES, State Level personnel need to be held accountable for willfully not implements many aspects of IDEA and the ADA and having children go for more than five years without services. 

This is the part two, but videos may follow. 

[1] Criminal negligence (sometimes called culpable negligence) means recklessness or carelessness that shows a thoughtless disregard of consequences or a heedless indifference to the safety and rights of others. State v. Jones, 353 N.C. 159 (2000); State v. Early, 232 N.C. 717, 720 (1950). The showing required to establish criminal negligence is less than the level of recklessness required to show malice for purposes of second-degree murder. State v. Mack, ___ N.C. App. ___, 697 S.E.2d 490, 494 (2010) (comparing culpable negligence to malice and concluding that for purposes of second-degree murder, the conduct must be done recklessly or wantonly as to manifest depravity of mind and disregard of human life). It is, however, more than the deviation from reasonable conduct required for civil tort liability. State v. Everhart, 291 N.C. 700, 702 (1977); State v. McAdams, 51 N.C. App. 140 (1981).

Monday, May 14, 2018

Open Notice to ZMS AND THE BOARD

Notice of Advance Directives

This is an official notice to teachers, administrators, and district and board leaders of instructions provided to my daughter due to a “No Confidence” perception of local school administration and their capabilities to handle adverse situations that arise during the school day. 

My daughter, has been provided the directive that if someone is fighting anywhere she is at during the school hours, or, causing any scenario that may result in harm to herself or others;  or, is witness to any illegal activities (like drug sales in the cafeteria), she is to call 911.  Basically, any fights in the cafeteria or classrooms will result in her excusing herself with her cellular phone, getting to safety, and calling 911.  She sees drugs sales or drug use anywhere on school grounds, she will call 911 to report it.  She will not let staff know or others know prior to calling. 

This is done with a very sadness of heart to know I send my child to such an environment daily; and, the school is so inept and cannot do anything to address these matters. 

Once she has called and gotten to safety, she will call me, and then she may decide to secure evidence.  This latter part depends on the severity of the actions that cause her to flee, especially if it injurious to herself, students, and teachers. 

This is a notice not up for debate.  Again, it is with sadness to know the school cannot properly react to scenarios that transpire on its grounds. 

I would suggest that teachers do the same.  That is my 2 cents.  Teachers should call 911 instead of being asked to “chase down” trespassers and drug dealers. 

The school should not continue to allow the children to be placed in danger.  This issue was directly raised with school administrative staff on multiple occasions. 

This open notice has been posted on  This regards conditions at her school.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Evolution of Every Child Left Behind.

As a Teacher Moreso Than A Student  EBD

I saw the “after math” at Harry Van Arsdale School. 
The floors were dirty.  The rooms atrocities.

I wondered what the floor was for.
I found out during a teacher break. 
That was the floor of the behavior kids. 

I was assigned an ESL class, so, I never really went to that floor.
I could not believe what I was seeing. 
It was bad. 

The others things should have tempered that feeling.
Teachers helpings students pass exams.
Students marked “present” even though they were no where to be found. 

Learning was not happening, it was a containment policy.
It was containing the animals.  They could not learn.  They did not desire to learn. 

In 2018, in a totally different State, I did not expect to find such.
I thought that was abolished.  That was more than 18 years ago. 
It should be gone.  It has to be gone. 

It is not GONE. 
It is here with a vengeance.
Social media has taken bullying to the extreme. 
You audience is in the hundreds to thousands, it is not just your school mates. 

It hurts just as much now as it did then. 
No zeal to help, but the Zeal was to get those Federal Dollars. 
Each child was a commodity. 

Hum?  Sound familiar.  You get the money to provide the service but only provide the services in certain districts. 
Back then, it was the Chancellors District.  Here, it is probably the chair district. 
Como profesor más que un alumno EBD

Vi el "después de la guerra" en la escuela Harry Van Arsdale.

Los pisos estaban sucios. Las salas atrocidades.
Me preguntaba para qué era asi en este piso.
Me enteré durante un descanso del profesores.

Ese era el piso de los nino del comportamiento malo.

Me asignaron una clase de ESL, así que nunca fui realmente a ese piso.

No podía creer lo que estaba viendo.

Estuvo mal.

Las otras cosas deberían haber atenuado ese sentimiento.
Los maestros ayudan a los estudiantes a aprobar los exámenes.
Los estudiantes marcaron "presente" a pesar de que no estaban en ningún lado.

El aprendizaje no estaba sucediendo, era una política de contención.

Estaba conteniendo los animales. No pudieron aprender. Ellos no deseaban aprender.

En 2018, en un estado totalmente diferente, no esperaba encontrar tal.

Pensé que eso fue abolido. Eso fue hace más de 18 años.

Debería haber desaparecido. Tiene que desaparecer.

No se HA IDO.

Está aquí con una venganza.

Las redes sociales han llevado la intimidación al extremo.

Tu audiencia es de cientos a miles, no solo tus compañeros de escuela.

Duele tanto ahora como lo hizo entonces.

Sin celo para ayudar, pero el celo era conseguir esos dólares federales.

Cada niño era una mercancía.

¿Tararear? Suena familiar. Usted obtiene el dinero para proporcionar el servicio, pero solo proporciona los servicios en ciertos distritos.

En aquel entonces, era el Distrito de Chancellors. Aquí, es probablemente el distrito de la silla.

An Open Letter to the Wake County Board of Education

There is an open letter to NCDPI too herein alluded to

This is a link to the video open letter

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What Did that Child Feel When the Parent did Not Show

The parents were in the hallway.

One parent arrived and was at the doorway.
The ceremony started early. 
She arrived to see her child get an award. 
She missed here child.  She was disappointed. 

The parents in the hallway, time was not the issue for them, it was information.
They too were proud. 
They too came out. 
Came out to cheer their child. 

There was dismay in the hallway. 
Painters and construction workers.
Parents, the stay at home moms trying to console the workers.

Again it happened,
No information in Spanish.
No information for the Spanish Parents. 

Because of the no information, they got the time wrong. 
Some had the date wrong, 
But all took off from work, all made the special effort, the effort to see their child get an award.

This is 2018, they are still in the back burner. 

A point person, can each school have one. 
A hired person, one just to share information. 

I do not know why she left. I am not sure.  It was the old secretary. 
I am sure she felt it like most.  One Hispanic person expected and asked to do all. 
I am sure she was overwhelmed. 
I have seen it all too much. 

All too often, when you hire a bilingual person, they get overwhelmed.  They are asked to make all the wrongs of the system right.  They are the magnet.  So, what happens when they leave, do you hire another Bilingual person, a Spanish speaker? 

No, you celebrate, you hire your own, you hire your friends, so it looks like from the outside.

Instead of having a portion of Spanish speaking staff, you have one.  Then, when that person leaves, you have none.  It is okay, no need to abide by the legal mandates, 

Teacher, multiple one, whom are hired to teach Ingles como una segunda idioma,
But they do not know English, yet, their profession is they have the skills. 
Immersion versus sink or swim Submersion. 

Two different schools.
One, a new ESL teacher. 
Did not speak a lick of English.
But, he was the pride and joy of the school.  Hired to translate in part.

Second school same scenario, not a lick of English, but point person in terms of ESL.
I had to translate for that one.  Hum.

It is a heartache.  Seeing people suffer in 2018. 
One child, no experience; a recent arrival, submersion, sink or swim.  I witnessed it. 

I wanted to say something to the parents, to the painter/construction worker. 
They were looking for answers; they were looking for information. 

No one was there to help.  No one at all. 
They love(d) their children, you could tell by their faces and zeal, but, the children would not know, they came at the wrong time. 

Robo calls in English, no Spanish versions.  Weekly announcement in English, never published in Spanish, hum. 

So, I reflect on the conversations.  The multiple ones I had on this issue.  Principals, PTA, teachers, and parents and workers.  The end result is the same.  You have to advocate.  Help those. 

Dedicated to OL

Los padres estaban en el pasillo.

Uno de los padres ha llegado y ha sido en la puerta.
La ceremonia comenzó temprano.
Ella llegó a ver a su niño a obtener un premio.
Extrañaba aquí niño. Ella estaba decepcionado.

Los padres en el pasillo, el tiempo no era el problema para ellos, es la información.
Ellos también estaban muy orgullosos.
Llegaron también.
Salió para animar a su hijo.

Hubo consternación en el pasillo.
Pintores y trabajadores de la construcción.
Los padres, la estancia en casa las mamás intentando consolar a los trabajadores.

Nuevamente lo sucedido,
ninguna información en español.
No hay información para los padres españoles.

A causa de la no información, consiguieron el momento equivocado.
Algunos tenían la fecha equivocada,
pero todos despegó desde el trabajo, todos hicieron el esfuerzo especial, el esfuerzo por ver a su niño a obtener un premio.

Este es el 2018, todavía están en la trastienda.

Punto de una persona, cada escuela puede tener uno.
Una persona contratada, uno sólo para compartir información.

No sé por qué se marchó. No estoy seguro. Era el antiguo secretario.
Estoy seguro de que ella sentía como la mayoría. Una persona hispana que espera y pide que hagamos todos.
Estoy seguro de que ella se sintió abrumado.
He visto todo demasiado.

Todos demasiado a menudo, cuando usted contrata a una persona bilingüe, que sentirse abrumado. Se les pide que hagan todas las injusticias del sistema de derecho. Ellos son el imán. Entonces, ¿qué sucede cuando salen, ¿contratar otra persona bilingüe, un orador español?

No, celebrar, usted contratar su propia, contrata a tus amigos, así que parece que desde el exterior.

En lugar de tener una parte del personal habla español, tiene uno. Entonces, cuando esa persona deja, que no tener ninguno. Es bueno, no hay necesidad de atenerse a los mandatos legales,

Maestro, múltiple, los cuales son contratados para enseñar inglés como una segunda idioma,
pero no saben inglés, sin embargo, su profesión se tienen aptitudes.
La inmersión versus nadar o hundirse la inmersión.

Dos escuelas diferentes.
Uno, un nuevo profesor de ESL.
No hablaba una pizca de inglés.
Pero, él era el orgullo y la alegría de la escuela. Contratado para traducir en parte.

Segunda escuela mismo escenario, ni una pizca de Inglés, pero la persona en términos de ESL.
Tuve que traducir para que uno. Hum.

Es una angustia. Ver sufrir a la gente en 2018.
Un niño, sin experiencia; una llegada reciente, sumersión, nadar o hundirse. He sido testigo de ella.

Yo quería decir algo a los padres, al pintor/trabajador de la construcción.
Estaban buscando respuestas; estaban buscando información.

Nadie estaba allí para ayudarte. Nadie en absoluto.
Les encanta(d) sus hijos, usted podría decirle por sus rostros y el celo, pero los niños no sabrían, vinieron en el momento equivocado.

Robo de llamadas en inglés, no hay versiones en español. Anuncio semanal en inglés, nunca publicado en castellano, el zumbido.

Así, he reflexionado sobre las conversaciones. Los múltiples que tuve sobre esta cuestión. PTA, directores, maestros y padres de familia y trabajadores. El resultado final es el mismo. Usted tiene que defender. Ayudar a aquellos.

Dedicado a OL

Cuando ese nino miro y no puedia ver a su padre, como cres que el se sentia.
Cuando ese niño no vio a su padre, cómo hizo que el niño se sienta.

A word regarding the continuing need for ESL

Sunday, February 18, 2018

A Call to Action for Teachers

Una Llamada Solamente para maestros

Tuve que lidiar con esto personalmente en el último año (Tengo experiencia personal).

Maestros que "engañaron" los números, cambian.

Entiendo los recursos limitados.

Entiendo las instrucciones de los principales jefes de administración.

Vamos a reducir el dinero, dicen.

Reduciremos los programas.

Esos programas son antiguos.

Educación especial, ESL, no necesitamos eso.

Que aquellos que necesitan (sobre) ayuda extra en el aprendizaje sufran.

Entonces, los números se pusieron "fudged", falso, no son actual. Se brindan XXX horas, se brindan XXX servicios; estamos providendo servicios.

Aulas atestadas, se necesitan un TA y faltan.

Errores de agua con esteroides en el aula (Chinche de agua grande). Mueva el material de la escuela en el salon porque la habitación tiene fugas (techos con goteras).

Alfombras en el aula (salon de clase) que no se han lavado y lavado con champú en meses.

Extraños olores en el aula que pueden destruir y matar a una vaca.

Más de dos años de informes escuché.

Más de 6 años de la no prestación de servicios, lo sé con certeza.

Ellos te escribirán, obtendrás una mala evaluación.

Usted es responsable de los estudiantes de bajo rendimiento que dicen.

Tienes los recursos, tienes el tiempo, tienes el aula perfecta.

Permítanme decir esto, si no tiene un documento impreso, si no tiene un historial de quejas, no pasará nada.

Recuerdo que en la universidad, hacemos las cosas bien. Más de 26 millones de dólares gastados en la universidad para esos servicios especiales.
Se sentaron y se reunieron con nosotros y nos dijeron que no se haría. Los estudiantes tienen una vida útil de cinco años, los administradores allí hasta la jubilación.

Tenemos un rastro de papel de los años 70. Lo usamos en los años 90, y en 2000, el trabajo ya estaba hecho.
Eso fue solo en el campo de la educación.

Sé que se puede hacer, pero los maestros, la llamada es para que hagas tu trabajo. Deje su rastro de papel, escriba las cosas.

Los problemas no existen hasta que sean documentos; de lo contrario, se te escribirá como el problema.

Este es el llamado a la acción.

A Call Just For Teachers

I had to deal with this personally in the last year. 

Teachers whom “fudged” the numbers. 

I understand the limited resources.

I understand the directives from top heads of administration. 

We will cut back money, they say.

We will cut back programs.

Those programs are of old. 

Special Education, ESL, we do not need that. 

Let those whom need extra help in learning suffer. 

So, the numbers got fudged.   XXX hours provided,  XXX services provided.

Classrooms overcrowded, TA’s needed and are missing. 

Water bugs on steroids in the classroom.  Move the school material because the room is leaking.

Rugs in the classroom that have not been washed and shampooed in months. 

Strange odors in the classroom that can knock out and kill a cow. 

Over two years of reports I heard.  

Over 6 years of the non provision of services, I know for a fact. 

They will write you up, you will get the poor evaluation. 

You are responsible for the low achieving students they say. 

You have the resources, you have the time, you have the perfect classroom.

Let me say this, if you do not have a paper trail, if you do not have a complaint trail, nothing will happen. 

I remember in college, we go things done.  Over 26 million dollars spent on the college for those special services. 
They sat and met with us and told us it would not be done.  Students have a five year life span, administrators there until retirement. 

We have a paper trail from the 70s.  We used it in the 90s, and by 2000, the work was done. 
That was just in the field of education. 

I know it can be done, but teachers, the call is for you to do your job.  Leave your paper trail, write things up. 

Problems do not exist until they are documents; otherwise, you will be written up as the problem. 

This is the call to action. 

PTA Call to Action and Others Please Help

The Call To Action and Depression Factor

Since our schools have changed, parents are needed to be involved.
Involved with the school system to make the environment. 

Terrified I am when more than one child (young adult) tells me they are scared.
Scared to tell administration of the bullying and adverse things that happen to them while at school.

Scared why I asked?  Because, retribution will be exacted against them, and the administration will do nothing, they say. 

What is needed is parent and elder and church involvement.

What is needed is advocacy. 

This I say as I sat in a meeting and heard the statistics.  Just a plain statement that with all the other problems, ESL and Special Ed is being underserved.  That is systemic.  That is more than one school. 

There are some well off parents.  Well off to the extent they have personal Leave Time.  They have the time to take off and go to the schools to patrol the hallways.   Those are the ones whom can be attributed part of the fault for the way things are in the schools. 

The bottom line.  
The call to the PTA.
Main Points: 
Fundraising cannot be the ultimate goal of any PTA, the goal should be helping and not rolling over money from one year to the next. 

Academic Support
If the schools are failing academically, and they are, then, the money needs to be spent, that was raised, on tutoring stipends.  There are gifted and AB honor roll kids in school.  They can be provided incentives to help the failing kids, the ones without resources, the ones that in one year can move for to five times, and attend six schools.  The ones whom do not have internet or books at home, let alone having been regular visitors to the library. 

Food and Nutrition Funding
I just heard the testimony, heartbreaking as it was, of one cafeteria worker that “fudges” the numbers?
Why?  The kids ask for extra food.  They are hungry.  We are prohibited from buying them lunch or bringing any money to school.  She gives them extra food.  She pays, but, cannot do it all legally, on the books. 
Then, the heart break continues when I talk with other workers and they describe how kids just steal for food.  They take cookies.  We have to write them up.  Why?  Why not the PTA fund some of the poorest kids, those kids that steal to eat. 

Then, the talk about the media specialist.  Libraries that can be called archives.  The books so old, no one dares to check them out.  VCR Tapes there but not in use.  Kindle and Audio Books outlawed, not enough funds.  Then, you think about the mandates and philosophy.  Multiple Intelligences, but, you are not intelligent enough to provide the alternate learning formats. 
Computers with old operating systems, not a Windows 10 or 8x in site.  The proof that Special Education is not being served is the fact that no alternative formats of basic things like books are found.  Answer, PTA, get off your ASS.  Use budget money to buy those things that can be read in the library (Archive).  If it cost the school $40.00 to buy a book a parent can get for $10.00, and it can be in Kindle and Audio Book format, then, buy the books and Tablets, let kids have access.  At least two Windows 10 Computers, etc.  Money should not be rolled over. 

Foster Participation And Interest
Lastly, for this post, if Dances, Sports, and Performances “gets parents and kids participation”, then, fund those events. Sponsor some portraits for kids that cannot afford them can bring to their homes, instead for having pictures stolen from school.  Buy Uniforms, scoreboards, washing machines and dryers, some families do not want their kids to play because they cannot wash a uniform.  So, help, have the material in the school.

If you are raising funds and just rolling things over from year to year, then, the problems will never be fixed, and yes, no one will come to your meetings.  It is depressing to see adults whom can intervene not do so.  Do something. 

The Call to Parents to help and be involved.

The Call to Administration, make it so that the children feel safe and can talk with yall.

God Bless. 

La llamada a la acción y factor de depresión

Nuestras escuelas han cambiado, la participación de los padres es necesarios.
Involúcrate con el sistema escolar para hacer el medio ambiente el poder de cambio.

Estoy aterrorizada cuando más de un niño (adulto joven) me dice que están asustados.
Miedo a decirle a la administración de la intimidación y las cosas negativas que les suceden en la escuela.

Asustado por lo que he solicitado? Porque, la retribución será cobrado en contra de ellos, y la administración no hará nada, los jóvenes dicen.

Lo que se necesita es ayuda de padres y los ancianos y la participación de la iglesia.

Lo que se necesita es la promoción y accion.

Esto lo digo des puede asistir y como me senté en una reunión y escuchar las estadísticas. Sólo una simple declaración que con todos los demás problemas, ESL y Ed especial está siendo desatendidas. Que es sistémico. Eso es más de una escuela.

Hay algunos padres de familia acomodada. Así fuera en la medida en que tienen licencia por razones personales. Tienen tiempo para despegar e ir a las escuelas para patrullar los pasillos. Esos son los únicos a quienes se puede atribuir parte de la culpa de cómo están las cosas en las escuelas.

La línea inferior.
La llamada a la PTA.
Puntos principales: la
recaudación de fondos no puede ser el objetivo final de cualquier PTA, el objetivo debe ser ayudar y no voltear el dinero de un año al siguiente.

Apoyo Académico
si las escuelas están fracasando académicamente, y lo son, entonces, el dinero debe ser gastado, que se planteó en la tutoría de estipendios. Hay dotados y AB de honor a los niños en la escuela. Pueden proporcionarse incentivos para ayudar a los niños, no los sin recursos, los que en un año se puede mover para cinco veces, y asistir a seis escuelas. Aquellos a quienes no tienen acceso a internet o libros en su casa, y mucho menos de haber sido visitantes regulares de la biblioteca.

Alimentación y Nutrición la financiación
acabo de escuchar los testimonios desgarradores como era, de una cafetería que "trabajador fudges" los números?
¿Por qué? Los niños piden comida extra. Están hambrientos. Estamos prohibidos de comprar comida o llevar el dinero a la escuela. Ella les da comida extra. Ella paga, pero no puede hacerlo todo legalmente, en los libros.
Entonces, el corazón romper continúa cuando hablo con otros trabajadores y describir cómo los niños simplemente robar para alimentos. Se toman las cookies. Tenemos que escribir en ellos. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no el PTA financiar algunos de los niños más pobres, esos chicos que roban para comer.

Entonces, al hablar de los medios de comunicación especializados. Las bibliotecas que pueden ser llamados archivos. Los libros tan viejo, nadie se atreve a comprobar a cabo. Las cintas de vídeo, pero no en uso. Kindle y Audio Libros prohibidos, no hay fondos suficientes. A continuación, piense en los mandatos y la filosofía. Las inteligencias múltiples, pero no son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para proporcionar los formatos de aprendizaje alternativo.

Los equipos con sistemas operativos antiguos, no un Windows 10 o 8x en el sitio. La prueba de que la educación especial no está siendo servido es el hecho de que no hay formatos alternativos de cosas básicas como son los libros encontrados. Respuesta, PTA, baje su culo. Utilice el dinero del presupuesto para comprar las cosas que se pueden leer en la biblioteca (Archive). Si cuesta la escuela $40.00 para comprar un libro que un padre puede llegar a $10.00, y puede ser en formato Kindle y libros de audio, a continuación, comprar los libros y las tabletas, deje que los niños tengan acceso. Al menos dos Windows 10 equipos, etc. El dinero no debe ser arrastrado.

Fomentar la participación y el interés
por último, para este puesto, si los bailes, deportes y espectáculos "obtiene los padres e hijos participación", entonces, fondo de esos acontecimientos. Patrocinar algunos retratos de niños que no pueden pagar por ellos pueden traer a sus hogares, en lugar de tener imágenes robadas de la escuela. Comprar uniformes, marcadores, lavadoras y secadoras, algunas familias no quieren que sus hijos a jugar porque no se puede lavar un uniforme. Por lo tanto, ayudar, tener el material en la escuela.

Si están recaudando fondos y acaba rodando sobre las cosas de un año a otro, entonces, los problemas nunca serán fijos, y sí, nadie vendrá a sus reuniones. Es deprimente ver a adultos quienes pueden intervenir no hacerlo. Hacer algo.

El llamado a los padres a ayudar y participar.

La llamada a la administración, hacer que los niños se sientan seguros y puedan hablar con yall.

Que Dios los bendiga.