Monday, May 14, 2018

Open Notice to ZMS AND THE BOARD

Notice of Advance Directives

This is an official notice to teachers, administrators, and district and board leaders of instructions provided to my daughter due to a “No Confidence” perception of local school administration and their capabilities to handle adverse situations that arise during the school day. 

My daughter, has been provided the directive that if someone is fighting anywhere she is at during the school hours, or, causing any scenario that may result in harm to herself or others;  or, is witness to any illegal activities (like drug sales in the cafeteria), she is to call 911.  Basically, any fights in the cafeteria or classrooms will result in her excusing herself with her cellular phone, getting to safety, and calling 911.  She sees drugs sales or drug use anywhere on school grounds, she will call 911 to report it.  She will not let staff know or others know prior to calling. 

This is done with a very sadness of heart to know I send my child to such an environment daily; and, the school is so inept and cannot do anything to address these matters. 

Once she has called and gotten to safety, she will call me, and then she may decide to secure evidence.  This latter part depends on the severity of the actions that cause her to flee, especially if it injurious to herself, students, and teachers. 

This is a notice not up for debate.  Again, it is with sadness to know the school cannot properly react to scenarios that transpire on its grounds. 

I would suggest that teachers do the same.  That is my 2 cents.  Teachers should call 911 instead of being asked to “chase down” trespassers and drug dealers. 

The school should not continue to allow the children to be placed in danger.  This issue was directly raised with school administrative staff on multiple occasions. 

This open notice has been posted on  This regards conditions at her school.

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