Friday, November 30, 2018

An Open Letter to Hephzibah Baptist Church of Wendell NC

Open Letter to Aaron Wallace, and Hephzibah Baptist Church

March 22, 2012, was the last time I needed to have a heated argument, the liking of the “meeting” you set up and planned yesterday.  As a survivor of domestic violence, I did not anticipate being in a meeting with a pastor of a church, and the church assistant pastor, and having to endure such traumatizing behavior.  Really.  

I am the father of two children; and one child is a teen.I raised one child, a step child, and the behaviors exhibited were those I would find in an immature teen and not in any inclination or capacity of a “Seasoned Pastor”.  

This reminded me of an additional traumatizing event, and that was when I was a foster care worker, and did a licensing visit to a foster home, and the foster parent was a religious zealot, and, was of high stature, height and weight wise, and stronger than me, and threatened that I must leave his home, under the duress of physical injury should I not leave; and the end result was his foster license was revoked because of threatens implied of direct and immediate physical violence.  

If you called me to have a conversation with you, then note, conversations are a two way communication.  A two way communication was not your intent.  A one way threatening and expression was the manifestation of your actions.  Really; you called me to meet with you so that you can scream at me, to me, and be disdainful, without any intent of letting me talk.  BE QUIET YOU SAID REPEATEDLY.  Those are the actions of an abusive person.  Those are not the typical actions of a seasoned pastor.  

And, regrettably, you called two others to “witness” your actions.  Wow, that was even more hypocritical.  Under the misguided auspices of doing your “pastoral duties”.  There is no pastor that I know of that would engage and conduct themselves as you did.  

Then, you had a second immature teen in the room that said “let us call her” and see what she thinks of pastor Aaron.  Really, dang, the level of immaturity, after he reread the post and even in reading realizing there were positives in the post.  

You are a very scary person Aaron.  You have changed sir, since initially meeting you in about 2005.  Wow.  

“If you were a member of this church, I would discipline you”, you said, with an unfathomable and unimaginable amount of pain and suffering was implied, alluded too, expressed, and interpreted by me thereto. What do you do to “erring members”?  Take them in a back room with “ministers” and “let them have it”?  

What has happened to you?  Dang.  If I were your assistant minister I would not have allowed you to schedule and/or attend that supposed “meeting”.  You should have prayed, cooled off, and then address the matter later, properly.  Letting you go forward in the matter you did also shows a failure on your support staff.  

Hephzibah cannot take the credit for the individual actions of members to “do the Lord’s work”, when the church is failing to take on its responsibility.  

Dissect what you said; the church when it cannot handle a member or the needs thereof, they refer them to other churches and programs.  That does not even make sense.  The church cannot handle a person with substance abuse issues and “other problems”; so, it is belittled and regulated to an information and referral service.  

You lied and I followed up with Wendell Baptist about the “referrals and support” for divorce care.  I talked with the leaders there and they blatantly stated not so, Hephzibah does not support us.

God sends sheep to you, and you send them away, and, that is called fulfilling the Lord’s work.  I think not sir.  If you continue to act in that manner, then you are a liability to the church.  

I am glad there was a youth and ministry leader that had the love of God and knowledge there or during the meeting.  It is unfortunate that person left early.  

I almost lost my daughter during middle school, and, your judgment with no knowledge directly of what happened is and was “look, he is crazy” [para-phased here}.  Testify only to what you know and seen sir, you look like and act like an idiot by rendering commentary on things you were not a part of, and that is “slander and l…….:” etc, Mr Junior Lawyer whom cannot read a post and dissect the meaning thereof.  

This is an open letter to the church because the church should perhaps consider some leave time for you.  You may be overly stressed, taking on too much, and not really know and/or are capable of evaluating your own actions. Hooligan versus pastor. I hope and pray for the best in and with you, but am truly injured and hurt by you.  

In Love and Prayer Hoping and Praying for the Best.  God Bles

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